Guidance for Units
This is a share of a post on the council website.
August 11, 2020
Grand Canyon Council Scouters,
I’m pleased to report that during our four weeks of Summer Camp we had zero reports or outbreaks of illness. I’m proud of our Program Team and all the volunteers and employees who helped create and implement our Summer Camp this year. The Scouts, leaders, and units that attended experienced a successful and truly unique program this year at Geronimo!
As we look forward to the fall, it’s time to update you on our guidance for Scouting in Grand Canyon Council. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact life, school, and commerce, it also continues to impact Scouting.
I recently met with several key volunteers to discuss our fall district and council meetings, camps, and activities:
- All council and district meetings, including Roundtable, District Committee, and Commissioners Meetings, will continue as virtual meetings. Small teams can meet in person if they choose, provided they meet social distancing and/or masking requirements.
- Eagle Scout Boards of Review can be conducted in person or virtually, with the cooperation of those involved. Social distancing and/or masking requirements must be followed if the Board of Review occurs in person. Deference for a virtual vs. in-person Board of Review should be given to the Eagle Scout candidate.
- District and council camps, programs, and activities are being evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if and how each can be offered in the context of COVID-19. Look to our council calendar and website for updated information as it becomes available.
Most of our Scout units are currently active and we encourage all packs, troops, crews, ships, and posts not currently meeting to consider whether now is the time to restart activities. Units must coordinate with their charter organizations and follow local and state requirements and public health guidance, including appropriate social distancing and/or masking.
As we move forward with Scouting, let’s remember that not all Scouts, leaders, or parents may be comfortable with Scouting activities at this time. Please be respectful as each family determines what is best for them.
Cub Scout leaders using ScoutBook will see new virtual content available in the next couple weeks. We have joined a coalition of councils across the country to create video content that will be imported into ScoutBook for all to use.
Our Scout Service Center remains closed to visitors but is fully staffed and our employee team is available to assist with any Scouting needs you may have. Please call or email the specific person you need (or call our general number: 602-955-7747).
Thank you for your engagement with Scouting here in Grand Canyon Council. Thousands of youth throughout Arizona benefit from your leadership, your commitment, and your enthusiasm for the values of Scouting.
Andy Price